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Pohlig, James NTranslating the lectionary: the Mofu-Gudur experience1999Notes on TranslationTranslation
Bradley, Virginia MAssumptions involved in interpretive decisions1991Notes on TranslationTranslation
Bradley, Virginia MDetermining limitations for explication of meaning1991Notes on TranslationTranslation
Lingenfelter, Sherwood G.Organizing a translation program: the case of the Yamba in northwest Cameroon1986Notes on TranslationTranslation
Barnwell, KatharineNotes and queries on training programs1988Notes on TranslationTranslation
Perrin, MonaThe kingdom of heaven where the sky is not the limit1999Notes on TranslationTranslation
Lode, LarsA satellite translation project1984Notes on TranslationLanguage Program Management, Literacy and Education, Translation
Noss, Philip ADynamic and functional equivalence in the Gbaya Bible1997Notes on TranslationTranslation