
Recherche des archives

Beavon, Keith HTwo relativization strategies in Koozime discourse1985Journal of West African LanguagesLinguistics
Beavon, Keith H.Badwe'e - French lexicon2003Linguistics
Beavon, Keith HExpressions of location in Koozime1983Journal of West African LanguagesLinguistics
Beavon, Keith HKɔɔzime verbal system1991SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Beavon, Keith H.; Beavon, MaryLexique Koonzime - Français1996Linguistics
Beavon, Keith H.Dictionnaire Nzime2020Linguistics
Beavon, Keith H.; Beavon, MaryBadwe'e Dictionary2016Linguistics
Beavon, Keith H.; Beavon, MaryUne révision d'orthographe pour les BadweʼeLinguistics, Literacy and Education
Beavon, Keith HA phonology of Konzime1983Africana LinguisticaLinguistics
Shell, Olive A.Me edwɛ', Me epahle, ntɔ' kœb Eláa lé efo'2014