
Recherche des archives

Davison, PhilWeh phonology sketch2009Linguistics
Deli, Benjamin; Konai, Pascal; Koyang, Ernest; Mbouvai, François; Viljoen, Melanie; Viljoen, MichaelPrécis d'orthographe pour la langue buwal2009Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Viljoen, MelanieA phonology of Buwal2009Linguistics
Giger, Martha; Lienhard, RuthDocument de référence pour la standardisation de la langue daba2009Linguistics, Literacy and Education
van den Berg, BiancaA phonological sketch of Awing2009Linguistics
Léonard, YvesOrthographe Baka2009Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Wright, JenniferThe Noun and Verb Phrase in Chrambo (Bambalang)2009Linguistics
Luider, JenniferA Phonological Sketch of the Bambalang (Chrambo) Language2009Linguistics