
Recherche des archives

Hill, MargaretWriters' handbook1979Literacy and Education
Trudell, BarbaraLanguage choice, education and community identity2005International Journal of Educational DevelopmentLanguage Program Management, Literacy and Education, Sociolinguistics
Robinson, Clinton D. WVers un programme d’alphabétisation en langues nationales1985Literacy and Education
Annett, Mary and othersThe problem of attrition in literacy programmes1989Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Gravina, Susan MelanieSquare peg in a round hole: towards a culturally appropriate literacy programme for the Mbuko of Cameroon2006Literacy and Education
Robinson, Clinton D. WLocal action for literacy1993FootstepsLiteracy and Education
Mbuagbaw, Tanyi ELiteracy awareness day: An aspect of a rural literacy campaign1998Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education
Mbuagbaw, Tanyi EyongKenyang literacy program2000Notes on LiteracyLiteracy and Education