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Boyd, Gingertò mbɔ̀ŋgá2000Linguistics
Boyd, GingerBáfiá̧ nɛ̀ tò2002Linguistics
Boyd, Gingergásá-hòr nɛ̀ bé-hòr2002Linguistics
Boyd, Gingerɡí yòmbò2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerZàwàyà2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerWan-gbaŋa-zu2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerTò hínɛ́ Dàwà2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerInitial analysis of the pitch system of Moloko nouns2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerBé-kóé nɛ̀ gɔk2000Linguistics
Boyd, VirginiaPetit lexique Gbaya mbódɔ̀mɔ̀ - Français: dialecte de Gandima Tongo1996Linguistics
Boyd, GingerA Phonology and Grammar of Mbodomo1997Linguistics
Boyd, GingerThe phonological systems of the Mbam languages of Cameroon with a focus on vowels and vowel harmony2015LOT dissertationsLinguistics
Boyd, GingerGóŋɓólóŋ2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerMbáɗímbáŋ2002Linguistics
Boyd, Gingerɓàχlà hínɛ̀ kóé2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerPúmbɔ́2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerTò nɛ̀ ékóé2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerDictionnaire Mmala (Numala)2016Linguistics
Boyd, GingerDictionnaire Yambeta2020Linguistics
Boyd, Ginger; Reeder, JeDene; Roberts, DavidElip, Mmala and Yangben2021Studies in Written Language and LiteracyLinguistics, Literacy and Education
Boyd, GingerDictionnaire (Tu)Nen2019Linguistics
Boyd, GingerMambəlemα Dictionary2022Linguistics
Boyd, GingerDictionnaire Gunu2019Linguistics
Boyd, GingerRole of tense and aspect in Mbodomo narrative discourse2000Studies in African LinguisticsLinguistics
Boyd, GingerDictionnaire Yangben2016Linguistics
Boyd, GingerDictionnaire Mbule2016Linguistics
Boyd, GingerDictionnaire Tuki2016Linguistics
Boyd, GingerBaca Dictionary2016Linguistics
Boyd, GingerElip Dictionary2016Linguistics
Boyd, Ginger; Roberts, David; Vydrin, Valentin; Merz, JohannesQuantifying Written Ambiguities in Tone Languages: A Comparative Study of Elip, Mbelime, and Eastern Dan2020Language Documentation and ConservationLinguistics
Boyd, GingerPrécis d'orthographe pour la langue yambeta2011Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Yee, ShannonPreliminary Analysis of Swo Phonology2022Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Boyd, Ginger; Noussi Tatchum, SaraMorphologie nominale et verbale de la langue iyasa2023Linguistics
Boyd, Ginger; Isaac, KendallLes règles pour lire et écrire la langue suo2018Linguistics, Literacy and Education, Translation