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Taylor, CarolynParticipant reference in Nɔmaándɛ́ narrative discourse1994Linguistics
Anderson, Stephen C.; Njeck, MathausBakoko orthography guide2010Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Boyd, GingerBé-kóé nɛ̀ gɔk2000Linguistics
Deli, Benjamin; Konai, Pascal; Koyang, Ernest; Mbouvai, François; Viljoen, Melanie; Viljoen, MichaelPrécis d'orthographe pour la langue buwal2009Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Viljoen, MelanieA phonology of Buwal2009Linguistics
Mbuagbaw, Tanyi EyongDenya phonology1996Linguistics
Giger, MarthaDaba narrative1980Linguistics
Lienhard, RuthLe verbe en daba1980Linguistics
Giger, Martha; Lienhard, RuthDocument de référence pour la standardisation de la langue daba2009Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Lienhard, RuthTone in Daba1977Linguistics
Bird, StevenDschang syllable structure1997Linguistics
Menetrey, Catherine; Perrin, MonaL'usage des temps et aspects dans le discours narratif gude1992Linguistics
Menetrey, CatherineDiscours direct et indirect en Guɗe1994Linguistics
van den Berg, BiancaA phonological sketch of Awing2009Linguistics
Fluckiger, Cheryl and Annie WhaleyA proposed writing system for the Mandara language1981Linguistics
Patman, FrankieSyntactic encoding of informational distinctions in Nugunu1998Linguistics
Gravina, RichardThe Verb Phrase in Mbuko2001Linguistics
Smoes, ChristopherA Sketch Grammar of the Kemezung Language2010Linguistics
Scherrer, Elaine MarieAn Overview of Gemzek Narrative Discourse Features2012Linguistics
Cox, BruceA Phonological Overview of Iceve-Maci2013Linguistics
Langhout, BepTone in the Saari Noun phrase exemplified with nouns from gender 7/82012Linguistics
Fiore, Lynne EA phonology of Limbum (Nsungli)1977Linguistics
Léonard, YvesOrthographe Baka2011Linguistics
Mamalis, Megan; Friesen, DianneThe Moloko verb phrase2004Linguistics
Lovestrand, JosephNotes on Nyokon phonology (Bantu A.45, Cameroon)2011Linguistics
Boutwell, Richard L.A Sketch Grammar of the Nchane Language2010Linguistics
Wilkendorf, PatriciaThe functions of relative clauses in Nɔmaándɛ́1997Linguistics
Viljoen, MelanieThe Gavar Verb Phrase2017Linguistics
Hackett, RobynOnce upon a Time: A Collection of Five Aghem Folktales2013Anthropology, Linguistics
Smoes, ChristopherA Summary Analysis of the Discourse Structure of the Kemedzung Language2014Linguistics
Nilsson, SigneLocative prepositions in Space and Time : Mmen Language. A Central Ring Grassfields Bantu Language2013Linguistics
Viljoen, MelanieThe Buwal Verb Phrase2012Linguistics
Anderson, Stephen C.Phonological characteristics of Eastern Grassfields languages2006Linguistics
Isaac, KendallThe System of Verbal Morphemes in Lefa (ALCAM 581)2018Linguistics
Tuinstra, AnnaRevised Ipulo Orthography Guide2018Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Anderson, Stephen C.A Phonological Sketch of Lamnso’2015Linguistics
Perrin, MonaNotes on discourse in Gude1990Linguistics
Ernst, UrsImpératif et injonctif en kakɔ1994Linguistics
Langermann, CindyA preliminary comparison between Hide and Lamang phonology1991Linguistics
Dadak, Ndokobai; Hedinger, RobertProposed Bum orthography statement2005Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Pohlig, James N.Preliminary statement of phonemes in Besleri1992Linguistics
Shultz, GeorgeKom language grammar sketch, Part 11997Linguistics
Fluckiger, CherylPhonological sketch: Kuo1987Linguistics
Grebe, Karl; Grebe, WinnifredA phonology of the NSO language1976Linguistics
Ulfers, RobertNarrative genre text collection for discourse grammar analysis in Karang1993Linguistics
Heath, Daniel; Heath, TeresaMakaa discourse features2005Linguistics
Gardner, JessicaHortatory discourse collection2004Linguistics
Bradley, Virginia M.Description of surface tone in the Limbum verb phrase1994Linguistics
McLean, Greg L.A Sketch Grammar of the Central Mfumte Language2014Linguistics
Bow, CatherineA description of Moloko phonology1997Linguistics