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Boutwell, Richard L.Mungong Phonology Sketch2011Linguistics
Gathman, ElizabethSome notes on tone in the Xədi language1994Linguistics
Bramlett, LeePreliminary investigation into the function of tone in Hedi1996Linguistics
Gathman, ElizabethA collection of interlinear texts in the Xədi language1994Linguistics
Ngang, DavidLes pronoms en karang (ALCAM 352)1999Linguistics
Ernst, UrsLe groupe verbal et ses éléments on kakɔ (1ère partie)1998Linguistics
Ramirez, CristiThe Kenyang noun phrase1998Linguistics
Mbuagbaw, Tanyi EyongKenyang segmental phonology2000Linguistics
Shultz, GeorgeNotes on discourse features of Kom narrative texts1997Linguistics
Shultz, GeorgeNotes on the phonology of the Kom language1993Linguistics
Ruff, Joy NaomiPhonology of Lagwan (Logone-Birni Kotoko)2005Linguistics
Perrin, MonaThe tone system in Mambila: some further comments1991Linguistics
Boyd, Gingertò mbɔ̀ŋgá2000Linguistics
Boyd, GingerBáfiá̧ nɛ̀ tò2002Linguistics
Boyd, Gingergásá-hòr nɛ̀ bé-hòr2002Linguistics
Boyd, Gingerɡí yòmbò2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerZàwàyà2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerWan-gbaŋa-zu2002Linguistics
Boyd, GingerTò hínɛ́ Dàwà2002Linguistics
Heath, Daniel; Heath, TeresaA preliminary grammar sketch of the Makaa noun modifiers and pronouns1998Linguistics
Heath, Daniel; Heath, TeresaA preliminary grammar sketch of the Mékaa noun and verb morphology1996Linguistics
Boyd, GingerInitial analysis of the pitch system of Moloko nouns2002Linguistics
Gravina, RichardThe verb phrase in Merey2007Linguistics
Spreda, Janice O.Initial and final adverbial constituents in Meta' narrative text1995Linguistics
Hollingsworth, Kenneth R.Mofu-Gudur hortatory discourse2002Linguistics
Hollingsworth, Kenneth R.A survey of clause types in Mofu-Gudur2004Linguistics
Pohlig, James N.An account of Mofu-Gudur verb infixes and suffixes1992Linguistics
Smith, TonyMuyang phonology1999Linguistics
Smith, TonyAlphabet et orthographe muyang2001Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Smith, TonyThe Muyang verb phrase2002Linguistics
Smith, TonyDefiniteness, topicalisation and theme: Muyang narrative discourse markers2003Linguistics
Satre, Scott AlanPhonological sketch of Ngomba1997Linguistics
Satre, Scott AlanTense/aspect and verbal negation in Ngomba2002Linguistics
Satre, Scott AlanStructure of the verb phrase in Ngomba2004Linguistics
Wilkendorf, PatriciaAdverbial clauses in Nɔmaándɛ́ narrative discourse1998Linguistics
Lux, DavidA collection of Noni texts1993Linguistics
Lux, Cindy; Lux, DavidTone in the Noòni noun phrase: orthographic considerations1996Linguistics, Literacy and Education
Prittie, RebeccaGrammar sketch of Nulibie2002Linguistics
Davis, LeslieTone in the Oku noun and verb1997Linguistics
Kinnaird, WilliamOuldeme tone sketch1997Linguistics
Kinnaird, William; Kinnaird, AnnukkaOuldeme narrative discourse: outline of principal features1998Linguistics
Kinnaird, WilliamThe topic marker 'di' in Ouldeme1999Linguistics
Hollingsworth, Kenneth R.Transitivity and the pragmatics of object suffixes on Mofu verbs1995Linguistics
Thwing, Rhonda AnnVerb extensions in Vute2006Linguistics
Davison, PhilWeh phonology sketch2009Linguistics
Bird, StevenDshang syllable structure and moraic aspiration1996Linguistics
Bird, StevenTonal variation in the Bamileke Dschang noun associative construction and verb paradigms1997Linguistics
Haynes, Nancy R.Two Yémba texts interlinearised (language data)1996Linguistics
Harro, Gretchen; Haynes, Nancy R.Features of paragraph and section breaks in Yemba expository and hortatory discourse2002Linguistics
Harro, Gretchen; Haynes, Nancy R.Forms of exhortation in a Yemba text2005Linguistics