
Recherche des archives

Heath, Daniel; Heath, TeresaA preliminary grammar sketch of the Makaa noun modifiers and pronouns1998Linguistics
Heath, Daniel; Heath, TeresaA preliminary grammar sketch of the Mékaa noun and verb morphology1996Linguistics
Anderson, Stephen C., editorTone in five languages of Cameroon1991SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Heath, DanielTone in the Makaa associative construction1991SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Heath, DanielTense and aspect in Makaa1991SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Heath, Daniel and Teresa HeathRelative clauses in mǝkaa1984Journal of West African LanguagesLinguistics
Heath, Daniel and Teresa HeathA phonology of the mǝkaa language1982Linguistics
Heath, Daniel; Heath, TeresaMakaa discourse features2005Linguistics
Heath, DanielTone in the Makaa associative construction1991Linguistics
Heath, Daniel; Heath, TeresaPreposed constituents and discontinuities in Makaa discourse1993Linguistics